Friday, May 9, 2014

First Impressions

I got this e-mail from my dad today.

Dear John-Mark,
I have just had my first experience with the Brazilian bureaucracy. It was most pleasant!
Just as my number was called, a new man slipped behind the desk. He was very patient and kind. He wanted to know all about the wedding. He was intrigued when I told him that I would be conducting the ceremony. He wanted to know if my homily was already prepared. "Will you tell them that the wife should submit to her husband?"
I told him that I would be stressing mutual respect. And that Christ should be the center of their home, as he is their hearts.
He shook my hand and said that perhaps he and I should have a beer together and a long conversation one afternoon. And he wished you and Daniela the very best.
Much love!

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