Sunday, May 18, 2014


Dani, Robison, Mary Ann, Audrey and Edna.

Mary Ann and Helena Rizzo, the number-one ranked female chef in the world outside her restaurant called Mani.


Karaoke: "Twist and Shout."

First course at Mani: Steak on a potato chip,  guava foie gras and guacamole "bon bon."

Dani and mom at Segredos de Minas enjoying feijoada.

Edna, Robison, Rodrigo and Vanessa.

Trying out the new hammock.

Mom on the hotel roof.

Mary Ann bringing the necessities.

Me, Mary Ann, Mom and Dani in the kitchen with Alex Atala, the world's number one ranked chef.

Looking down on the protest.

Dani exploring O Velhão.

Brazil showing its colors in anticipation of the World Cup.

Amazonian ants and pineapple. One of about 10 courses at Alex Atala's D.O.M.

From the top of the Edifício Itália.

Edna cooking some steak.

Dani, Marina, Bruna and Adriana sing karaoke. 


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